Room With A View

One woman's thoughts, opinions and views, as well as my poetry and writings.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

I have 2 favorite sayings. One is: "This Too Shall Pass" and the other is: "Tomorrow Is the First Day Of the rest of my Life." Believe me when I say, those two phrases have helped me through many an obstacle, so as one day passes and another begins.....I would like to share this writing with you. I hope it will inspire you.

The promise Creator gives to us,
Comes with every new day.
The gift of breath, the fift of life,
Opportunites in a vast array.

How do we count our blessings,
Through the choices life can bring?
Is it through Joyful lessons,
Or the fears to which we cling?

Are we learning to show gratitude,
For the victories over human pain?
By honoring the feeling choices,
We grasp the will, that we've regained.

Can we change our focus,
With no need to defend,
Acknowledging joy and sorrow,
Without judging foe or friend?

Tomorrow promises the fullness,
Of every human way to know;
How we master each challenge,
Determines our balance-
Reflecting how we grow.

Jamie Sams - Tomorrow


  • At 4:44 PM, Blogger Rebecca said…

    Seeing as I'm your daughter, my favorite quotes are very similar to yours...the "In time this too shall pass", and "Every day is a new day to have a good day...".

    Clearly the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. And people wonder where my rose colored glasses come from... ;)

  • At 8:31 PM, Blogger Shayna said…

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  • At 2:40 PM, Blogger Shayna said…

    I really never knew that you had the same favorite quote and I wonder when it was you first heard it. Inquiring minds would like to know......
    Wearing rose colored glasses are a lot better than wearing blue ones:)


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